We had our first audience last night and they LOVED the show. Many of you will remember Gerda from last years’ Freezing, well this year we have Constant back with us as Glenda the Good. You won’t want to miss him!
Constant is over the rainbow about this show and this team! He’s stepping off four magical years with Disney Cruise Line where he was a part of several productions including Aladdin: The Musical (Genie) and Tangled: The Musical (Hook Hand Thug). Past credits include: Freezing II: Bigger, Bolder… Colder (Ottawa Musicals), Trey Parker’s Cannibal! The Musical
(Starvox), Aladdin: The Panto (Capitol Theatre/Empire) The Rocky Horror Show (Citadel Theatre), Le Passé Antérieur (Théâtre Français de Toronto and Théâtre de l’Île), Man from the Capital (GCTC), Silence en Coulisses! (Théâtre du Trillium). He’s dedicating this one to Ellie. All the best for 2017!
We asked, he answered:
1 – What is your favorite part about coming home to Ottawa?
Shawarma. Ottawa has the best Shawarma. And of course, seeing my family and friends!
2 – What is your favorite holiday tradition?
3 – Where did you go to school in Ottawa?
École Secondaire Publique De La Salle
4 – Describe your character in The Blizzard of Oz in 4 words or less?
Fabulous, Loud, Flashy, Sturdy
5 – What is your favorite part of the show?
When my cast mates make me laugh to tears
6 – What do you miss most about Ottawa?
We went over this already… Shawarma! Lol And of course my family.
7 – What is your favorite activity/place to go in Ottawa?
I love the canal and Winterlude!
8 – Did you study theatre after high school? If so, where?
I studied theatre at Ottawa U and Sheridan Music Theatre program.
9 – Can you tell us something we don’t know about you?
My dream job would be to coach an NHL team. Preferably the Sens…. GO SENS GO!
10 – How would you describe a panto to those who are not familiar with this type of show?
It’s people dressed in silly costumes trying to make other people dressed in regular clothes laugh through a loosely told tale. There’s music, dance and audience participation. Oh, and did I mention I’m dressed as woman? Yeah… that’s reason enough to buy your tickets!